How to Save Money for a Downpayment

Tim Lacroix • February 19, 2025

Whether you want to set aside money to buy a car or take a vacation, save up for a down payment on a property, or plan for your retirement, the principles are the same.


However, as you’re reading this article on a website dedicated to helping you secure mortgage financing, we’ll assume you want tips on how to save for a down payment!


The key to saving money is getting clarity - clarity around your income and your expenses, developing and following a clear plan, and seeking help from professionals who can help you see the big picture as well as the details. Although this might seem fundamental, sometimes going back to basics is the best place to start.


Assess your income.


If your goal is to save money, you’ll need to identify just how much money you’ve got to work with! The best way to do this is to write everything down. This could be with paper and a pen or on a spreadsheet; whichever way works best for you is fine. The goal is to have all your income in front of you!


If you’re on a fixed income or receive a salary for work, your calculations might be pretty simple. Use the income you actually take home, not your gross income. Include an average of your variable income sources like tips, overtime, bonuses, or shift differentials. You should also include other income sources like an annual tax return, and child tax or other government benefits.


Spend time to make an exhaustive list of all your income sources.


Track your expenses.


Once you’ve identified what you have to work with on the income side, the next step is to figure out just how much you actually spend to maintain your current lifestyle.


Start by identifying regular bills, then look at your discretionary spending. If you have a budget already in place, you should be able to identify these numbers easily. If not, you can expect that getting clarity around your expenses will be very enlightening. It will be helpful to look through a few months’ worth of bank statements to see just how much money you actually spend.


Information is the key to finding clarity. The more information you have, the more equipped you will be to save money. Just like your income, write down all your expenses. This will allow you to assess and reprioritize where you spend your money.


Develop and follow a plan.


Once you have a clear picture of your income and expenses, you need to figure out how to make more money than you spend. Although that sounds so simple, it really isn’t. The majority of Canadians incur debt because they spend more money than they make. This is why saving money can be so hard.


But if we’re going back to basics, remember this: if you’re spending more money than you're making, you need to either increase your income or decrease your expenses to start saving money. There are countless money-saving strategies on the internet; consider following a few financial bloggers, and have fun learning about what works best for you!


Seek help from professionals.


You’re probably here to learn about how to save money for a down payment because you want to buy a home soon. If that's the case, be assured you're in the right place. Putting together a plan to secure mortgage financing is one plan you don't have to make on your own.


As independent mortgage professionals, it’s our job to help you navigate all aspects of mortgage financing. Just like saving for a down payment is about managing income and expenses, so is getting a mortgage. Income and expenses, along with credit and property, are what a lender looks at when assessing your suitability for a mortgage.


So while you might assume that putting together a plan to save for a down payment is where you should start, it might not actually be the best place to start. Saving money takes time, and while you're doing that, there are many other things you could be doing at the same time, like building credit to increase your chances of qualifying for a mortgage sooner.


When you’re ready to assess your financial situation and put together a plan to save for a down payment and get into a mortgage sooner, please get in touch. It would be a pleasure to work with you.

Tim Lacroix

Mortgage Broker

By Tim Lacroix March 26, 2025
Chances are if you’re applying for a mortgage, you feel confident about the state of your current employment or your ability to find a similar position if you need to. However, your actual employment status probably means more to the lender than you might think. You see, to a lender, your employment status is a strong indicator of your employer’s commitment to your continued employment. So, regardless of how you feel about your position, it’s what can be proven on paper that matters most. Let’s walk through some of the common ways lenders can look at employment status. Permanent Employment The gold star of employment. If your employer has made you a permanent employee, it means that your position is as secure as any position can be. When a lender sees permanent status (passed probation), it gives them the confidence that you’re valuable to the company and that they can rely on your income. Probationary Period Despite the quality of your job, if you’ve only been with the company for a short while, you’ll be required to prove that you’ve passed any probationary period. Although most probationary periods are typically 3-6 months, they can be longer. You might now even be aware that you’re under probation. The lender will want to make sure that you’re not under a probationary period because your employment can be terminated without any cause while under probation. Once you’ve made it through your initial evaluation, the lender will be more confident in your employment status. Now, it’s not the length of time with the employer that the lender is scrutinizing; instead, it’s the status of your probation. So if you’ve only been with a company for one month, but you’ve been working with them as a contractor for a few years, and they’re willing to waive the probationary period based on a previous relationship, that should give the lender all the confidence they need. We’ll have to get that documented. Parental Leave Suppose you’re currently on, planning to be on, or just about to be done a parental leave, regardless of the income you’re now collecting, as long as you have an employment letter that outlines your guaranteed return to work position (and date). In that case, you can use your return to work income to qualify on your mortgage application. It’s not the parental leave that the lender has issues with; it’s the ability you have to return to the position you left. Term Contracts Term contracts are hands down the most ambiguous and misunderstood employment status as it’s usually well-qualified and educated individuals who are working excellent jobs with no documented proof of future employment. A term contract indicates that you have a start date and an end date, and you are paid a specific amount for that specified amount of time. Unfortunately, the lack of stability here is not a lot for a lender to go on when evaluating your long-term ability to repay your mortgage. So to qualify income on a term contract, you want to establish the income you’ve received for at least two years. However, sometimes lenders like to see that your contract has been renewed at least once before considering it as income towards your mortgage application. In summary If you’ve recently changed jobs or are thinking about making a career change, and qualifying for a mortgage is on the horizon, or if you have any questions at all, please connect anytime. We can work through the details together and make sure you have a plan in place. It would be a pleasure to work with you!
By Tim Lacroix March 19, 2025
If you’re new to the home buying process, it’s easy to get confused by some of the terms used. The purpose of this article is to clear up any confusion between the deposit and downpayment. What is a deposit? The deposit is the money included with a purchase contract as a sign of good faith when you offer to purchase a property. It’s the “consideration” that helps make up the contract and binds you to the agreement. Typically, you include a certified cheque or a bank draft that your real estate brokerage holds while negotiations are finalized when you offer to purchase a property. If your offer is accepted, your deposit is held in your Realtor’s trust account. If your offer is accepted and you commit to buying the property, your deposit is transferred to the lawyer’s trust account and included in your downpayment. If you aren’t able to reach an agreement, the deposit is refunded to you. However, if you commit to buying the property and don’t complete the transaction, your deposit could be forfeit to the seller. Your deposit goes ahead of the downpayment but makes up part of the downpayment. The amount you put forward as a deposit when negotiating the terms of a purchase contract is arbitrary, meaning there is no predefined or standard amount. Instead, it’s best to discuss this with your real estate professional as your deposit can be a negotiating factor in and of itself. A larger deposit may give you a better chance of having your offer accepted in a competitive situation. It also puts you on the hook for more if something changes down the line and you cannot complete the purchase. What is a downpayment? Your downpayment refers to the initial payment you make when buying a property through mortgage financing. In Canada, the minimum downpayment amount is 5%, as lenders can only lend up to 95% of the property’s value. Securing mortgage financing with anything less than 20% down is only made possible through mortgage default insurance. You can source your downpayment from your resources, the sale of a property, an RRSP, a gift from a family member, or borrowed funds. Example scenario Let’s say that you are looking to purchase a property worth $400k. You’re planning on making a downpayment of 10% or $40k. When you make the initial offer to buy the property, you put forward $10k as a deposit your real estate brokerage holds in their trust account. If everything checks out with the home inspection and you’re satisfied with financing, you can remove all conditions. Your $10k deposit is transferred to the lawyer’s trust account, where will add the remaining $30k for the downpayment. With your $40k downpayment made, once you sign the mortgage documents and cover the legal and closing costs, the lender will forward the remaining 90% in the form of a mortgage registered to your title, and you have officially purchased the property! If you have any questions about the difference between the deposit and the downpayment or any other mortgage terms, please connect anytime. It would be a pleasure to work with you.
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